Welcome to Lesson 9 of the self-guided onboarding program!
If you do not see this module or features discussed in this article in your eCompliance instance and are interested in adding them, please contact your Customer Success Manager or shared email:csoffice@ecoonline.com
Lesson 9 - Hazard Assessment Creation & Workflow Videos
Watch the below videos on the eCompliance hazard assessment creation & workflow process. Detailed instructions follow the videos.
Building a Formal Hazard Assessment without a Template
Building a Formal Hazard Assessment with a Template
Tying a Formal Hazard Assessment to a Form Template
Learning Objective:
By the end of this lesson, you will learn how to:
- Configure the Hazards & Controls library
- Setup the Risk Rating
- Build a Hazard Assessment
- Publish a Hazard Assessment as a Document
- Link a Hazard Assessment to a form template
Hazards & Controls Library
Before creating your hazard assessments, you can preset your library of hazards and controls. For Hazards go to the Hazard Descriptions on the right-hand rail.
Here is the complete library of hazards stored in your account, you can edit, add or delete.
To create your own hazards, choose the category from the dropdown, enter the hazard description, and click Add.
For Controls go to the Hazard Controls on the right-hand rail.
Here is the complete controls library in your account with the same applying to this library as the hazard library.
The difference is that when adding a new control you click on the Choose a Control Type dropdown.
To mass update your library of hazards and controls you can make use of the Export/Import functions which will export the current library into an excel template that you will use to import back in.
Risk Rating
The default risk rating calculation is 2-Factor (Likelihood and Consequence) and Multiplication, but we also offer 3-Factor (adding Frequency) and Addition instead of multiplication. If you want 3-factor or addition please reach out to your point of contact.
In addition to the above configuration, by going to the Risk Ratings button you can make some additional changes.
The Risk Ratings of 1-5, rating names, consequence names, and the heat mapping attributed to those ranks are fixed, however the language for each rank can be changed to match your language and the consequences for Health and Safety, Environment, Property, and Reputation can be configured by clicking into the cell you wish to change and hitting Save at the bottom of the screen.
Reminder: The Risk Ratings are global to your account, there isn't a different risk rating matrix per site.
Creating Hazard Assessments
To create a new Hazard Assessment, click on the Create button which will give you a drop-down of Create New or Create from Template.
Create New
Clicking on Create New brings you to the builder. It is organized into sections by the number displayed.
Section 1 - Summary
- Name - Give the hazard assessment a clear name
- Description - Expand on the purpose of the hazard assessment (Optional)
- Type - Select a type to categorize your hazard assessments to keep them organized, there are 6 types
- Environmental
- Equipment
- Job
- Physical
- Process
- Project
- Date Created - Captures the date and time of creation
- Last Date Published - Captures the most recent date and time the hazard assessment was published
- Site - Determine which site that this Hazard Assessment should be available at
The difference between Save and Publish is that the Save will keep it as a draft, while publish will make it available to users.
Section 2 - Tasks/Steps
Clicking on the plus button in this section will bring up the fields of Name and Description, the Name of the step or task is mandatory, while the Description is optional if you want to add additional detail.
Continue to add each task/step by following the above process. If a task/step needs to be re-ordered you can click and drag the step to the right order.
Section 3 - Hazards
The hazards section opens once you have created your first task/step. To add a hazard to a specific step click on the task/step and you will see an arrow pointing to the hazard section.
Click on the plus button to bring up a hazard lookup field which provides three routes to adding a hazard:
- Begin typing in the hazard you are looking for in the name field and select the hazard displayed in the drop-down
- Create a hazard on the fly by typing in the hazard name, which because it doesn't exist, will say Create Hazard - this will add this hazard to your hazard library
- Click on the 3 dots beside the name field to pull up the entire list of hazards categorized by type
Tip: A task/step can have multiple hazards, after creating one hazard, go through the above steps to create another if applicable.
Section 4 - Pre-Control Risk Rating
Adding your first hazard will open the 4-square grid, click on the hazard that you want to populate the 4-square grid for, and you will notice an arrow pointing to that section.
Clicking on the pencil icon button you will bring up the 2-factor or 3-factor grid, set the risk rating by clicking the numbers under each column and clicking Done.
Section 5 - Controls
Click on the plus button to bring up a control lookup field which provides three routes to adding a control:
- Begin typing in the control you are looking for and select the control displayed in the drop-down
- Create a control on the fly by typing in the control name, which because it doesn't exist, will say Create Control - this will add this control to your control library
- Click on the 3 dots to pull up the entire list of controls categorized by type
Tip: A hazard can have multiple controls, after creating one control, go through the above steps to create another if applicable.
Section 6 - Post-Control Risk Rating
Clicking on the pencil icon button you will bring up the 2-factor or 3-factor grid, set the risk rating by clicking the numbers under each column and clicking Done. This rating should be lower due to the controls.
Section 7 - Action Items
This section is for assigning a corrective action if you require assistance in building out the Hazard Assessment. This section is optional due to the above nature and does not need to be used if there are no required actions. You can learn more about action items in Lesson 8.
Tip: As you build out the hazard assessment, the preview will build out the table showing you what this will look like to those interacting with the published hazard assessment.
Create From Template
When creating a Hazard Assessment you have the ability to create from a template, clicking on the Create From Template option will present you with a list of templates. The difference from starting with a template vs creating from new is that there are pre-built tasks/steps and hazards that you can build off of. Everything else in terms of creating the hazard assessment is the same as the covered info above.
Published Hazard Assessments Workflow
Listing View
Hazard assessments that are in draft or published live on the main page of the module. From here you have a few options:
- Search for hazard assessments by using the magnifying glass in one of the header fields of the columns
- Edit the existing hazard assessments by clicking on the pencil icon in the View/Edit column
- Create a new version of a published hazard assessment by clicking on the plus icon in the View/Edit column
- Copy a hazard assessment, by clicking on the overlaying pages icon you can either Classic Copy or Complete Copy - the former will not copy over the calculated ratings and controls, while the latter will copy that info over
Reminder: By clicking on the plus icon for published hazard assessments you will enter a draft mode, if you were to click Save or go back the assessment would go back to Draft status. If you click Delete you will delete the current draft, not the published assessment as that would remain in the Published status.
Hazard Assessment Document
Upon publishing a hazard assessment you will be asked to decide on document distribution and read acknowledgment. Published hazard assessments become documents and are added to the document module giving you the ability to utilize all the document features - for a refresher on the documents module go to Lesson 5.
Tying a Hazard Assessment to a Form
Once one hazard assessment is published in your account, you are given access to a new question type in the form builder called Hazard Assessment.
By adding this question type to your form templates, the question will appear as a drop-down that the employee will have to select from the types (job, equipment, project, etc.), which will then narrow the focus to the published hazard assessments under that type.
Employees will see the hazard assessment chosen displaying the tasks/steps, hazards, pre-control risk ratings, controls, and post-control risk ratings. Upon reviewing the hazard assessment the employee will be tasked with acknowledging they reviewed the hazard assessment.
It is through the above that your frontline will interact with the hazard assessment module, as the hazard assessment module is not accessible to those with a Contributor permission.
This wraps up Lesson 9 on the Hazard Assessment Module. This lesson walked through the setting up of the hazard assessment module, creating hazard assessments & how hazard assessments interact with other modules for frontline use.
Top 3 key takeaways from this lesson are:
- Before diving into creating a hazard assessment, ensure the risk rating is configured & both the hazard and control library have your most common answers
- When editing a hazard assessment it will unpublish it, ensure that you hit publish after editing
- Published hazard assessments can be incorporated into form templates for the frontline to review & acknowledge
Homework: Before beginning the next lesson please complete the following:
- Reach out to your point of contact if you need to update your risk calculation
- Update your risk rating & ensure your hazard and control library reflect your organization's common hazards and controls
- Create one hazard assessment
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