Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Importing Assets via the Asset Importer
3. Updating an Asset Group via the Asset Importer
4. Updating an Asset Type via the Importer
5. Moving assets to another site via the assets importer
1. Overview
We built the asset importer to assist our customers with modifying their assets and details related to them. Prior to using one of the importers available for the assets module you are required to enter some of these details into eCompliance via the website.
With the various importers in the Asset module you can update the information for:
- Existing assets
- Asset types
- Asset groups.
Do note that to update these pieces of information they must each be done separately. This means that you can not update all 3 directly via the importer (you must use a separate importer for each).
2. Importing Assets via the Asset Importer
To update assets, click on Export to download existing assets.
On your computer, open the spreadsheet and make the necessary changes. Save the file so you can upload it in step 2 on the eCompliance site.
Here are the import rules for updating assets into eCompliance
- It is highly recommended to export asset types when working on the spreadsheet for asset import.
- If you are adding new assets, the Asset ID and the Asset Attribute ID should not be given in Excel. An ID should be added in Excel only if the asset already exists and it is going to be updated. Otherwise, the field should be empty.
- The existing asset IDs must be numerical.
- Existing assets are updated based on ID and cannot be mass deleted.
- Name, Identifier, Site Id, Asset status, Asset Type Id and Asset Type Name are required fields along with the required asset attributes.
- Name, Identifier, Reference Number, Email, Location, Asset Type Name, Attribute Name and Attribute Value have a max character length of 255.
- Name and Identifier must be unique.
- Site ID must exist for the selected organization and can be found in reports
- Value for Asset Status can be: InService, OutOfService, InNeedOfRepair, InForRepair, Destroyed.
- All required asset attributes must be present from the asset type and have the attribute value compatible with the attribute type.
This means that some assets may need to have several rows to incorporate all their asset type's attributes.
For example, if an asset type called 'Vehicles' has 3 attributes (type, model and year), then the asset imported with this asset type will need to have three rows in the file imported. One row for each attribute. - All specified asset attributes must have a matching attribute template for the related asset type.
3. Updating an Asset Group via the Asset Importer
To update asset groups, click on Export to download existing asset groups.
On your computer, open the spreadsheet and make the necessary changes. Save the file so you can upload it in step 2 on the eCompliance site.
Here are the import rules for Importing an Asset Group:
- Existing asset groups are updated based on Asset Group ID.
- Name is a required field and must be unique for this organization.
4. Updating an Asset Type via the Importer
To update asset types, click on Export to download existing asset types.
On your computer, open the spreadsheet and make the necessary changes. Save the file so you can upload it in step 2 on the eCompliance site.
Here are the import rules for updating an Asset Type:
- Existing asset types are updated based on the asset type id.
- Name is a required field and must be unique for this organization.
- Name has a max character length of 255.
- Asset group id is required and can be found by exporting asset groups.
- If there are attributes associated to the asset type, Attribute Name, Attribute Type and Attribute Is Required fields are required.
- Value for Attribute Type can be: Date, Text.
- Value for Attribute Is Required can be: True, False.
- Attribute Name and Attribute Default Value have a max character length of 255.
5. Moving assets to another site via the assets importer
Assets can be moved from one site to another by system admins by using the Asset Importing and Exporting feature.
Please find the details on how to accomplish this here.
For any additional questions on how this works please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
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