The Company Lookup question type is a question type that is only available for customers who have the Company Module enabled.
This question type works similar to the Employee Lookup question type. When completing a form with this question users can search a company name and enter the company as an answer.
How many company names can be added to this question type?
Up to 100 company names can be added as an answer.
Does the company name filter based on site membership?
Yes, this lookup will only display company names where the form matches the site that the company has been added to (via the company profile). Do note that this functionality is limited to web and will be released for mobile soon.
This change was made to this feature on Feb. 17th, which we mentioned in the release note.
Will inactive companies be displayed in the Company Lookup when completing a form?
Yes. If a company is set to inactive on the company profile it will still be listed as an option to select in the Company Lookup.
What happens if the Company Module is disabled? How will this affect forms?
When disabled you will not be able to add this question type on form templates. However, all previously submitted forms will not be affected.
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