What are the required field when creating a company profile?
The only required field when creating a company is the company name. Do note that when a company is created “Subcontractor” is preselected as the company type.
Can a customer have duplicate companies (two company profiles with the same name)?
All companies listed on a site must have unique names and unique company codes. If you try to create a company profile with a pre-existing name or company code you will see an error message.
What is the company code?
This is a unique code that identifies the company. It is similar to employee id on an employee profile.
Can two companies have the same company code?
No, all company codes must be unique.
What is the company status?
An Active company is one that you are actively working with. An Inactive company is one that you are not actively working with.
What happens if I make a company inactive?
Active/Inactive status is a visual indicator for your management team to know which companies you are actively working with then viewing the company profile. Changing this status currently has no functionality tied to it.
Can a company be active on one site and inactive on another?
No, company's active status applies to all sites.
What is the “Parent”?
This is the parent company of a company. Parent companies must be added to eCompliance before designating them as a parent for a company you are creating or editing.
This is beneficial for showing the relationship among companies and for drilling down into safety metrics in Safety Intelligence.
What is the purpose of the Notes field on a company profile?
Use this field to add any notes that you want other managers to remember about the company. This information can only be viewed on the company profile.
What is the distinction between a company profile and its type?
A company can be one of 3 types: Subcontractor, Supplier, Client
eCompliance users added to a company will automatically carry the same type as the company that they are added to.
Can I import a list of companies into eCompliance?
Yes. This enhancement was released on December 13, 2022.
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