- Overview
- Key Features
- Creating a scored form template
- Designing the template
- Performing inspections with scoring
- Tips
- Troubleshooting
1. Overview
eCompliance managers and admins can add percentages and point values to forms by using the form scoring template. Upon submission of forms, scoring can provide a quick glance of performances and can be used for Safety Intelligence reporting or other future analysis, such as for form sign-off.
Scoring templates can be used for all Inspections, Incidents and Meetings forms and can only be selected for copied or newly created templates.
2. Key Features
- Allows your organization to better manage and measure your safety program
- Provides consistent reportable data for safety professionals to identify and manage trends
- Displays quantifiable evidence of continuous improvement of the health and safety programs
3. Creating a scored form template
To use the scoring template you can either:
1. Create a new template
2. Copy an existing template and enable scoring
When creating a new inspection, incident, or meeting template, you will be asked if you would like the template to have scoring.
Select “Yes” to add scoring to the form. Selecting “No” will not score the form, however, scoring can be enabled at a later date. To enable scoring at a later date copy the template and enable scoring when prompted.
Once the template is open the first step is to record the “Overall Passing score”. This is the minimum percentage that all questions of your form need to pass, and the overall percentage of the form must be equal to (or greater) than this percentage for the form to pass.
As you create each section of the form, in the header you must input the “Passing Score” % for that section.
Each section can have its own Passing Score however they do contribute to the form’s overall score.
If one section fails to achieve the passing score amount then the entire form will fail.
Use this Passing Score to mark sections that are important enough to fail the form if the section fails. If there is a section that should always pass then leave it blank, or mark the passing score as “0” to indicate that this is a non-essential section.
4. Designing the template
Once the template includes scoring you can choose the "Overall Passing Score" and each section's "Passing Score":
1. Overall Passing Score - the inspection will pass if all sections pass and the total percentage is equal to or above this number.
2. Passing Score - the section has a passing percentage that if the section fails the entire inspection form will fail. This is used to mark a section in the form as important enough to fail the form if the section fails. Leave as zero "0" to always pass the section, marking the section as non essential.
Add questions that support scoring
Scores can only be attributed to the following 3 question types:
- Pass/Fail/NA
- Multi Select
- Single Select
As you add questions to each section you can include the “Points for pass” and the “Points for fail”.
ie. this is the number of points that will be awarded or deducted based on the selected answers. Negative numbers are applicable for “Points for fail”.
You can assign the number of points for a passing score, and for a failing score. Negative numbers are valid for a failing score.
Note: Selecting N/A as an answer removes the points and the question. The question will not receive any points, nor is it calculated in the total score.
With multi-select, you can attach a specific score to each option. In the “Max Score Allowed” field you can include the maximum score allowed to be awarded for completing this question as a whole. The number placed in this field should be equal to or less than the sum of the scores for each available answer.
Note: The N/A option must be enabled for multi-select questions. Selecting N/A as an answer removes the points and the question. The question will not receive any points, nor is it calculated in the total score.
Single Select:
You can assign the number of points to award for each answer. Upon completion save the form. Then revise the scores and test the form to ensure that the right information is being captured. After testing the scoring template then publish the form to share it with your site.
5. Completing forms with scoring
Once the design of the template is complete, remember to publish the template from the template listing view "Publish Now" in order for instances (Inspections, Meetings, Hazard ID's) to be made. Employees will now be able to "Start New Inspection", "Start New Incident" and "Start New Meeting" from each of the corresponding sections.
Form scoring on the web:
Form scoring on the mobile app:
6. Tips
- Questions which are left unanswered when completing a form, irrespective of the question type, will not be scored.
- To ensure that certain questions are answered, check the mandatory box next to a question in the form template. This will prevent the form from being completed without these questions being answered.
- Modifying the scoring template of an already published form will not affect the scoring of previously completed forms.
- If there are identical forms, one with scoring and one without, then consider adding “Scored“ to the form title of the scored form to indicate its difference with the other similar form.
7. Troubleshooting
If you are seeing that your form scores are not tallying up or if the passing status seems incorrect, make sure that the points below have been considered with the form's scored template.
- All form sections need to have a number entered in the passing score. If a question score is left blank, scoring will not tally-up correctly or may cause an error. If the section does not need a score, a "0" must be entered in the Passing Score field in the scoring template for the section to always be considered a pass.
- All questions must have a passing score of a number greater than 1. The total score of the section is divided by the passing score (no number is divisible by 0). If a "0" is entered in the section's passing score, the template will automatically be changed to "1" when saved.
- If there is a failed section in the form, the entire form will be considered a fail irrespective of what the total passing score is.
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