Auto Attributes provides the ability to pre configure the output data based on the input selected. As an example, if you are adding a new Sling and select a pre defined Length, Diameter and Angle, the system can select the Working Load Limit. This is helpful for assets that have predefined information, auto attributes cannot calculate a total based on your selection, it can only select it from pre defined data.
How to create an Auto Attribute
1. Click on Setup, Templates, Auto-Attributes
2. Select an Asset you wish to create the auto attribute for, in this example we will use a Wire Rope to calculate the working load limit
3. Select any field that contains [C] or [S] which represents Combo Box and Select Box. Click and drag the Field and drop it near the Input Field name
4. For the Output Field, you may now select any field that contains [T] which represents a text box.
5. Once both fields are filled, click on save at the bottom to begin entering the output data which is called Definitions in Field ID
6. Click on Add Definition and begin selecting the Input Fields and output data.
7. Click on Save and Add to continue adding definitions or simply click on Save to finish the definitions.
Now that you have created your auto attributes, you may begin adding new assets to the system, and when selecting the Input fields in the Attributes section, the Output will automatically be selected. This feature is available for all devices with the field id app.
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