Password Policy
Field ID has the ability to configure your password policy for all user accounts. By default all password require at least 6 characters. To change the Password Policy for your account go to Setup > Security > Password Policy.
The following options can configured for passwords:
- Minimum Password Length - number of characters that a password must have. Must be at least 6.
- Minimum Number Count - number of digits that a password must have.
- Minimum Capital Count - number of capital characters that a password must have.
- Password Expiry in Days - number of days before a password expires.
- Minimum Symbol Count - number of symbols that a password must have.
- Uniqueness - number of previous passwords that a new password cannot be the same as.
Account Lockout Policy
To set a maximum number of sign in attempts before a specific account is locked go to Setup > Security > Account Lockout Policy. You can set the maximum number of sign in attempts (default is 5) and the duration that the account will be locked in minutes (default is 20).
Unlocking an account
As the system administrator you can unlock an account that has been locked. To do this go to Setup > Owners, Users & Locations > Manage Users. Select the User Name of the locked user and click Unlock User.
Revoking Users Access
To revoke a users access to your Field ID account you will need to archive the user that you like to no longer have access. To do this go to Setup > Owners, Users & Locations > Manage Users. Find the user in the list or use the filters to narrow down the results. Select the Archive link beside the user.
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