Events in Field iD are actions that are performed on assets. Examples of events are inspections, audits, tests, preventative maintenance or certifications. Events can be completed as a scheduled task or unscheduled.
Performing a New Event
The first step in performing an event is to find an existing asset that you would like to perform an event on. To get started click Start Event from the top menu.
On the Start Event page you will have 3 or 4 different options depending on your account configuration:
- Single Asset - this is the most common case. You will be performing a single event on one asset
- Multiple Assets - the case where you want to perform a common event on up to 250 assets at once
- Import - import historic event information from Excel
- Multi-Proof Test Upload - upload your proof test files from a supported proof test machine in bulk
The Anatomy of an Event
Although the specific event you will be performing is unique to your company, all events performed in Field ID have a very common format. Each Event is comprised of the following:
- Owner - at the time of performing an event you can update the Owner and location information. If an asset has moved locations or job sites since you last performed an event you will want to update it. This will be reflected on the Asset Profile Page.
- Details - this summarizes the who and when of the event. These fields will be defaulted and in most cases will not have to be changed.
- Event Form - this is the checklist of the event you are performed. Not all events will have a form but most will.
- To better understand the event form we will break it down further. Each Event form is made up of:
- Section - criteria is separated into different sections
- Criteria - these are the specific items you will be grading on the form
- Result - this indicates the result of the criteria. The Result can be in the form of a icon (click the icon to change the state), drop down, text field, date or signature.
- Observations - you can record specific notes about criteria using observations. Observations are broken down into Recommendations - blue i and Deficiencies - red hand. The camera icon allows the user to take a photo per inspection criteria. The orange arrow is for recording Actions
- Result - in most cases the Event Form has logic built in to automatically set the overall result of the event. In the case that you would like to manually set the result or override the event form you can select Pass, Fail or N/A from the drop down.
- Post Event Information - fill out any overall comments that you did not record using the Observations. For faster data entry setup Comment Templates to select from a list of common used comments. Select if you would like a downloadable PDF report. If the status of this asset has changed as a result of the event you can update it using the Asset Status drop down. This will be reflected on the Asset Profile page.
- Event Status - Please refer to the following page for a description of Event Status
- Event Schedules - any recurring schedules will automatically appear here. You can add other schedules if needed as well.
- Attachments - upload images and documents that you would like every user to have access to.
Event State
There are three different event states: Open, Closed and Complete. An Open state means that the event is scheduled to be completed and is available to be started. Closed indicates an event that was scheduled to be completed, but due to some reason (duplicate, could not inspect, inaccessible item) it was not completed. You should Close Open Events and not delete them as this will provide you more accurate reporting. Complete, means that the event has been successfully completed and you can now view/print the event. Event state is most useful when running reports. You can use it to return all scheduled events that have yet to be completed, or scheduled events that were closed or use it to show only completed events.
Printing a Report / Certificate
Printing a Single Report
To print a report for a specific completed event go to Reporting and use the filters to find the event you would like to print. On the results hover over the Actions link on the right and click the Print link. You will be asked to Open or Download the PDF file.
Printing Multiple Reports
To print multiple reports go to Reporting and use the filters to find the group of events you would like print. Using the check boxes on the left side select all events you would like to print. Scroll to the bottom and hover over the Print link and select Print Selected PDF Reports. The file will be generated and available from your Downloads page.
Printing a Summary Report
To print a Summary Report of a group of events follow the same steps as Printing Multiple Reports and when you hover over the Print link click Print This Report. This report will show one event per line highlighting, what was performed, who did it and the result.
Mass Update
In Field ID you have the ability to update up to 250 events at once. Mass Update on Events is performed from the Reporting Search by clicking Reporting from the top menu. Run a Reporting Search and on the results screen select the specific events you would like to mass update. At the bottom of the page will be a link to perform a 'Mass Update'.
You can mass update the following information on events:
- Owner (Customer/Job Site, Division)
- Assigned To
- Asset Status
- Event Book
- Location
- Printable
- Delete Selected Events
Bulk Importing Events (Excel)
In Field ID you have the option to import events using an excel spreadsheet. This option saves time and allows you import up to 5000 completed events at a time. Only one event type can be uploaded at a time. You will conduct all imports by clicking Start Import on the Start Event screen.
To bulk import events you will prepare an Excel file with all the information about the specific event. The import is completed on a per event type basis. For example, you will upload all of your Boom Truck Visuals and then upload all of your Fire Extinguishers Visual in another file.
The first row of the file is the headers which identify what each column represents. The columns do not need to be in a specific order but all columns need to be present. The information in the excel spreadsheet should be exactly the same as it is in Field ID. For example if the Organization is named ‘N4systems Inc.’ in Field ID then in the excel spreadsheet ‘N4systems’ or ‘N4systems Inc’ will result in validation errors.
Preconfigured Templates
Field ID builds and provides the Excel template for each event type. To generate and download a template click on Start Import on the Start Event screen. Next select the Event Type you would like to upload and then click on 'Download Excel (XLS) Import Template. There are two types of templates. One that allows you to import the events and fill in the event form and be able to fill in recommendations and deficiencies. The other has all of the above except it doesnt allow you to fill in recommendations and deficiencies.
Example Excel Files
The base format for asset import is:
To download a template for an Fire Extinguisher Visual click here.
Uploading your File
When you are finished filling in your Excel template you can begin the upload process from the Import page. To get back there click Start Import on the Start Event screen. You will then select the appropriate event type and then proceed to step 3 by clicking "Choose File" to browse for your completed file and click Start Import to begin the import process.
Validation and Errors
Before the import runs Field ID will pre-process the uploaded Excel file to validate and check for errors. Common validation errors include:
- Could not find Asset Identifier - The asset identifier will associate the event to an asset that already exists in the system. Ensure that the asset exists. The asset identifier is typically the serial number. This selection can not be blank.
- Could not find an organization name 'My Organization' - The organization name must match one of your existing organizations exactly
- Invalid date performed - The date performed must be in DD/MM/YY format.
Once the import has been started it will run in the background and Field ID will provide you with a progress bar to indicate how many assets have been imported. At this time you are free to leave this page and continue to use Field ID, your import will continue to run. Imports can take up to 20 minutes to complete and you will be notified by email once the import has finished.
Bulk Exporting Events
Field ID provides the ability to bulk export historic events to Excel. To start the export process run a Reporting search. Click on Reporting from the top menu. Apply the filters to narrow down the results, and select your display columns. The display columns you select or deselect will change what appears in the Excel export.
On the results page select the assets you would like to export. At the bottom of the page look for the Export to Excel link. Click this to kick-off the export process. The export will run in the background and the completed file will appear under the Downloads tab found under My Account. The export can take 1 - 15 minutes to complete. You will also receive a email confirmation once the export is ready to download.
Systems & Components
Field ID supports linking assets together and performing events on them as a whole. For more information on this please see Systems & Components.
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