This web version 2024.11.14.1 was released on November 14, 2024.
Bug Fixes
CORRECTION - Mobile Form Submissions - Enhanced our API to ensure that "Show in Email" feature will be supported for mobile form submissions. We will complete the work to in the coming weeks so that selected template fields now appear correctly in email notifications.
- BOX Integration Status - Addressed an issue where API errors causing Box integration failures were not displayed in the 'Box Settings' status. The status now correctly shows as 'Unhealthy' when API authentication fails, giving users accurate feedback on integration health.
- Employee Importer - Fixed an issue where importing employees without email addresses caused errors. The import process now handles these cases without unexpected errors.
Email Notifications
- Training Expiration - Fixed an issue where users received email notifications for expiring certificates, even if some courses did not meet expiration criteria. Notifications now only include certificates set to expire within the configured timeframe.
- Scoring - Resolved an issue where inspection forms submitted from mobile devices showed different pass/fail statuses compared to the web view. Scoring is now consistent across all platforms.
- Custom Header - Resolved an issue where custom header field values were missing from the Inspections listings page for forms submitted via mobile. The listings now show custom header fields, even after header name updates.
- Status - Resolved an issue where forms marked "Under Revision" did not consistently display this status on the listings page. The status now reflects correctly after validations and submission.
User Management and Access
- SSO - Fixed an issue where email addresses with special characters (e.g., +, %) were not supported for Single Sign-On (SSO) at the employee level. These characters are now properly encoded to ensure accurate SSO functionality.
- User Type Conversion - Fixed an issue where changing a username-based user to an email-based user caused errors and failed profile updates. The process now clears the username field and updates the profile seamlessly.
- Pre-Fill Feature Web/Mobile Compatibility - Reinforced a prompt reminding users to update to app version 7.16.0 or higher when using the pre-filled forms feature, ensuring consistent functionality across web and mobile platforms.
- Course Assignment - Fixed a server error that occurred when assigning courses to all job profiles due to duplicate entries. This process now functions smoothly without errors.
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