Do you wish that more context was shared via email notifications when forms are submitted? Want to ensure that email recipients can quickly get critical information from within their inbox?
Good news - we've released a new feature allowing you to select the questions in a form template that you want to show answers to in related email notifications.
Custom Section
Standard Section
Example Email Notification Showing Additional Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How many questions can I select to show in an email?
You can select up to 3 questions to show their answers in notification email.
Which form templates is this feature available in?
All form types - Inspection, Incident and Meeting templates.
What kind of questions can I show in the notification?
All question types are supported except Labels and Hazard Assessments.
Can I choose follow up questions that are displayed using Smart Form logic?
Yes, you may select a follow up question that depends on form logic. Be mindful that this selection will still count towards the total allowance of 3 questions.
Why can't I show a Hazard Assessment answer?
Hazard Assessments linked in forms lead to a published document. Effectively displaying this information in an email is not possible at this time.
Why can't I choose more than 3 questions?
We want to ensure that messages do not get too lengthy to display in an email. Given that some questions and answers, especially Short Notes and Long Notes may be long depending on the inputs of employees, we must limit the total amount of additional information to be added in an email.
What happens when I try to select more than 3 questions?
When 3 questions have already been selected, the toggles to add other questions will be disabled.
What happens if I select a non-mandatory question to show in the notification email and it is not answered?
You will see an empty field next to the question in the email.
Will attachments to questions, like photos, documents, or assigned employees show in the email?
No, only answers provided to the questions will show in the notification email.
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