What is the difference between Absent Participation with Rollup Sites vs without Rollup Sites?
On September 25, 2023, we released a new Explore in Safety Intelligence, 'Absent Participation in a Period of Time,' with a new filter called 'Rollup Site Name'. This filter makes it easier to search for sites for accounts that have membership to tens and hundreds of sites by narrowing down to a subsite from a higher-level site without using the Filter by Site field.
'Absent Participation in a Period of Time' without Rollup Sites is the original explore offered before this update without the new 'Rollup Sites Name' filter.
When should I choose to use rollup sites?
The filter simplifies site filtering without using the 'Filter by Site' filter. It is best used when you have a membership to tens or hundreds of sites and want to narrow down to a subsite from a higher-level site.
Where can I find and add this filter after choosing the explore?
Select 'Rollup Site Name' from the site filter list to add this filter and save it to your report. You can then select a subsite of the site you are currently at by entering a site name from this filter.
Alternatively, you can add the 'Rollup Site ID' to filter with site IDs.
When adding the filter, there are two categories you can choose from:
‘From Employee’ would be used in cases where the report creator may be looking to create a participation report aggregated by the sites that employees are members of - these site name fields would work best in use cases where the user is looking to report on employee participation based on site permission
‘From Forms’ would be used in cases where the report creator is looking to report more specifically on form titles that they are expecting will be done at a certain site - these site name fields are the ones that are probably used the most, where the user is looking to report on employee participation based on form title and site of participation. So for example, if a user is a member of multiple sites, but at a specific site they are meant to participate in a monthly safety talk, we would want to use the Sites From Forms field as we’re looking to see participation at the specific site(s) the employee is support to complete a monthly safety talk.
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