This article will show how to generate reports for Inspections. The same steps would apply in Incident/Hazard and Meetings tabs.
1. Click on Inspections tab.
2. Select Charts and Reports from the Manage list on the right side of the page.
Charts are pie or bar graphs based on specific question types/date ranges. Reports are excel spreadsheets for all question types; see screenshot below for more information.
3. Select the type of form you need to report on and choose whether to push the data to an Excel Report or a Chart Report. Choose whether the report should include Locked, Open or All forms depending on the type of data you require.
Excel Report will generate a month over month report including all data captured in the General Information header of the form
Chart Report allows you to select a date range using calendar icons and displays the data in a pie chart or bar graph for trending purposes
(NOTE: only Pass/Fail, Multi or Single Select questions types are supported by the Chart feature. All other question types can be reported on through the Excel report)
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