What is this feature?
Front-line workers complete daily inspections with eCompliance. In many circumstances, these workers submit daily forms with answers that don't change much.
This new feature will make it much more efficient and streamlined for front-line staff to submit daily inspections and meetings by pre-filling forms for workers based on previous submissions.
What is included in this feature?
Safety managers can enable pre-fill for specific form templates
Employees can pre-fill new forms based on their most recent submission
Which employee permissions can toggle on Pre-fill enablement for form templates?
Any employee with permission to edit form templates (Create and Modify any [form] Template) can enable this feature for specific inspection and/or meeting forms.
Which employee permission allows a user to see pre-filled sections in forms?
Once this is enabled on a form template, any employee who can conduct forms can create Pre-filled forms using the form template.
Does this feature work for all 3 form modules?
Pre-fill is only available for inspection and meeting forms. It is unavailable for incident forms (the toggle will not be displayed on incident templates).
Does this feature work with Hazard Assessments?
No, this feature is specific to the inspections and meetings module.
Will this work with scored forms?
Yes, this applies to scored and non-scored forms.
How much does this feature cost?
This feature is free.
What will happen to my site's form templates once this feature is released?
Safety managers can enable this feature on their existing templates (by editing them) or new templates upon release. Form Pre-fill is disabled by default.
Are there any other changes to the forms modules?
Besides the additional functionality stated here, all other features for the forms modules will continue to work as intended, including the permissions, site, and distribution rules for forms.
How do I enable this feature on the web?
Open a previous form template or create a new one (scored or non-scored)
In the header section, enable the toggle titled “Allow Pre-Filling”
Upon enabling this, there will be a warning message that mentions the required minimum mobile version required
Click the 'Save' button to apply the changes
- If the template is not already published, click the 'Publish' button on the form template listing page to publish the template.
After the form has been published, employees will have the ability to pre-fill the form based on their last submission.
How do I pre-fill a form?
Once pre-fill has been enabled on the form template and an employee has completed and submitted the form (inspection or meeting), when the same employee starts that same form at the same site, then they will be presented an option to 'Start New Inspection' or 'Pre-Fill from Previous'
If 'Start New Inspection' is selected, a brand new form will be created.
If the option 'Pre-Fill from Previous' is selected, the new form will copy the questions and answers from the previously submitted form.
What happens if the form template changes after a form has been pre-filled?
If the template has been modified, even a minor modification, when a employee starts the form, they will not have the ability to pre-fill. Employees must start a new form (with the pre-fill portion disabled) once a new template version is published/saved. After a new form has been completed and submitted for the new form template version, the employee can continue to pre-fill the form.
Which form header sections will not get pre-filled?
All questions and answers in the form header section will get pre-filled except for the following 3:
Company lookup
Employee lookup
Asset lookup
Which form sections will not get pre-filled?
All questions and answers will get pre-filled except for the following 3:
Employee lookup
Hazard assessment
Do Smart Form questions and answers get pre-filled?
Yes, all questions and answers from smart forms will get pre-filled except the answers for follow-up questions.
Will supporting resources attached to and created for form questions get pre-filled?
No. The following items will not get pre-filled
Action items
Attached assets
Attached employees
Image attachments
Document attachments (web)
Will form reference documents appear on the pre-filled form?
Since form reference documents are specifically attached to the form template, they will be displayed on the pre-filled form.
Can an employee create a pre-filled form from a draft?
For pre-fill to apply, employees must submit the form. If the form is simply saved, the pre-fill option will not be available.
What happens if multiple submissions of the same form are at the site?
Forms will be pre-filled with answers based on the latest submission.
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