Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. How do I set up Pre-Fill Forms as an Admin or Manager?
3. Form Submission Workflow
4. How do I create and submit a Pre-Fill Form?
5. Troubleshooting and tips
To enable this feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
1. Overview
Pre-Fill forms allow you to create and submit already Pre-Fill forms with answers from a previous form.
Once it is enabled for your organization's account, admin/managers (or any employee with template editing permission will see a toggle in the form template editing screens.
Turning on the toggle will allow employees to create Pre-Fill forms from submitted forms using the template.
Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable this feature for your organization's account.
2. How do I set up Pre-Fill Forms as an Admin or Manager?
To begin, Pre-fill forms need to be enabled at the form template level. A manager or admin with form template editing permissions will need to toggle on 'Allow Pre-Filling' for this feature to work. This needs to be done for each individual form template.
Once the toggle is turned on, click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.
Employees using the mobile app who wishes to utlize the Pre-fill feature will need to sync their app to grab the latest version of the form template for the feature to work on their end.
Enabling Pre-Fill forms can only be executed on the web application.
Where can I find the Pre-Fill toggle?
1. Click on 'Inspections' or 'Meetings' on the main menu
2. Click on 'Inspection Templates' under the 'Manage' menu
3. Edit form template by clicking the editing icon next to a form template name
4. The toggle will be found in the template editing page
If the toggle is missing, please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable this feature for your account.
To apply changes, click the 'Save' button at the button of the page. If the template has not been published, click the 'Publish' button in the form template listing page to publish the template for form submission.
Alternatively, the button can also be found when creating a new form template.
3. Form Submission Workflow
Employees with the following permissions can create and submit forms on the web and mobile with Pre-Fill answers in their respective modules.
- Edit Any Inspection
- Edit Any Meeting
If your your account has permission to edit and submit forms, you can create Pre-Fill forms from any submitted form using the latest version of a form template with Pre-Fill forms enabled.
If a form header or form template has been updated, the Pre-Fill option will no longer be available, and you will need to create a new form from scratch using the new template.
4. How do I create and submit a Pre-Fill Form?
On the mobile app:
1. Tap the Forms module
2. Tap the (+) button to start a new form
3. Choose a form template and site
4. In the window that pops up from the bottom of the screen, tap "Pre-Fill from Previous"
On the web app:
1. Navigate to one of the form modules (Inspections or Meetings)
2. Search for a previously submitted form with answers that you would like to use for this new form you are about to create
3. Once you have found the submitted form, click on the "Start" button under the Action column next to it
4. In the pop-up box, choose "Pre-fill from Previous"
The following steps will be the same as how a form is usually submitted. However, you will see that the answers will already be prefilled with answers from the form that you've selected.
5. Troubleshooting and tips
For a more detailed FAQ, check out this article here: Pre-fill forms FAQ – Support (
Why can't I see the template toggle?
The feature might not be enabled for your account. Please check with your customer success manager to ensure this feature is turned on for your organization.
Why can't I see the "Start" button next to a form?
You might not have the correct account permissions to create a pre-filled form. Check with your site admin/manager to ensure that the permissions "Edit any inspection" or "Edit any Meeting" are assigned to you.
Why is the "Pre-fill from Previous" button greyed out?
To maintain data integrity, pre-filled forms cannot be created from forms that have been submitted using an older version of a form template or form header. Once a template or header is updated, the button will be unavailable for forms submitted from the template versions. You will need to create a new form.
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