Table of contents
1. Conducting a form on the mobile app
1.1. Question type relations with form actions
2. About drafts
3. Form submission workflow
For steps on how to conduct a form on the web app, see the article here.
1. Conducting a form on the mobile app
Prior to starting a form, there should be form templates available on your site. Site Managers and Site Admins will be able to create form templates. If you are an employee with form template editing and creation permissions such as a Site Manager or Site Admin, you can read about how to create form templates here.
Once a form template is available on your site, you can start conducting a new form with the template.
How to create create and submit a new form:
- Tap on the Forms module. This section will include all inspections, inspections, and meeting forms.
- Tap on the (+) button. You'll then be directed to a list of available forms.
- Choose from a list of forms from the list of available templates. Once you have decided on a template, tap on the template name.
- Select a site where you want your form to be submitted. The manager of the site that you select will receive a notification of submission once you have completed the form.
- The "General Information" header at the top of the form is system-generated and is the same for all your company’s forms.
The Organization, Site, Prepared By, and Date fields will automatically populate with your data. If you have membership to more than one site, use the arrow to pull up a menu of your sites to select the correct one.
There may be some custom headers added to a site's forms by your site admin or manager that may not be automatically populated and can be individually filled. An asterisk (*) next to a header field will indicate that the field needs to be filled in before the form can be submitted. - Go through each question and fill out the form.
You can tap on any of the quick action icons under the question to add an attachment.
Notes: Add text to the question. You can use this item to elaborate on the question.
Images: After tapping this icon, another pop-up will appear to give you two more choices - to add from your device's camera or add from your device's gallery.
Action Items: Add an action item. You can set its priority, dates, and the employee to whom the action item is assigned.
Employees: Add an employee under the form's assigned site with an employee lookup field.
Assets: Add an asset that exists under the form's assigned site.
After adding an attachment item, a number next to the icons will appear to let you know the number of attachments you have.
By tapping on the number, the question will expand to display the attachments you have added to the question. Tapping the number again will collapse the question and hide the attachments from the page view. When hidden from the page view, the attachments will still be available and attached to the question upon submission. - Tap the Submit button at the bottom to either Submit the form to your site or save the form as a draft.
1.1. Question type relations with form actions
Some quick action icons will not be available for some question types.
“Date”, “Time, and “Date and time” question types will only have the following quick action icons: Action Items and Assets
“Hazard Assessment”, “Number”, and “Employee Lookup”, “Note”, “Company Lookup”, “Companies” question types following quick action icons: Camera, Action Items, Employees and Assets
The “Days passed” and “Employee signature“ question types will not have any quick action icons
2. About drafts
If a draft has not been submitted on the mobile app, an "In progress" status will show up next to a form.
3. Form submission workflow
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