Welcome to Lesson 8 of the Field iD Self-Guided Onboarding Program!
Congratulations on completing your Field iD Self-Guided Onboarding! The focus of this lesson is to share examples of how other customers have embedded Field iD in their organization.
Learning how to use the program is the first step, but the question of how to implement, drive adoption by your workers, and best practices are top of mind now.
Learning Objective
By the end of this lesson, you will have learned how to:
- Begin the rollout of Field iD to your employees
- Create a pre-launch to-do list
- Access the resources available to you and your employees
Change Management
It’s important to proactively think about change management as soon as possible. Before considering how to manage change it is important to first understand how change can impact your employees. The following stages apply to how an individual processes change in general:
- Shock
- Denial
- Frustration
- Depression
- Experiment
- Decision
- Integration
How can you help manage the stages of change for your employees? By following the COLTS method –Communication, Observe, Listen, Train, and Share & Celebrate. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or the shared email: csoffice@ecoonline.com if you have not received our change management toolkit.
Beta Group
Start out with a test group made up of Inspectors from one of your departments, divisions, or teams to get differing perspectives.
By launching to a small group you will be able to get valuable feedback not only on the system itself but also on internal steps such as communication. Once you've gathered initial feedback, make any changes to the system before rolling it out company-wide to ensure you don't lose your audience and are providing them with a better solution and experience.
Let your employees know that you want their feedback as there are changes you can make. Your employees may not know that you have the power to edit an Event Form and improve the current workflow. Your employees know the workflow and forms inside and out, their feedback is important.
Launch Assets and Event Forms
Ensure the launch (most frequently used) assets and event types and forms are built and tested for beta trials. This will allow the employees to get used to the new workflow for inspections and give you time to build the rest of the forms that you would like to build out through Field iD. Employees will see the benefits of this new workflow and start requesting that all their asset inspections be done through Field iD.
Phased Roll Out
Don't overwhelm your employees, determine which asset types to inspect take top priority, then focus your rollout there first by choosing to roll out one use case or a couple at a time.
1. Build Frontline Momentum
- Communication plan – Outline the new software, what it is, why you have chosen Field iD, key benefits, when is this happening
- What excites you (the Admin) about this software
- Highlight ease of use
- Easier data collection & sharing – actual impact of workflow
2. Incentivizing Adoption
- Award the top contributor (eg. completed the most asset inspections on time in a month)
- Reward the early adopters of Field iD
- Tie Manager usage to their bonus
3. Rewards don’t always have to be tangible
- Showcase top health & safety performers on social media or in your company communication -acknowledgment helps encourage people, and people love positive recognition!
Going forward you will have continued support in the form of:
- Support Hub - Help articles and FAQs as well the Self-Guided Onboarding lessons Field iD Help
- Support Team - Open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EST to help with troubleshooting any technical issues (error messages, investigating features that are not functioning as expected, password resets) with either the web or mobile app. They are accessible by phone: 1 800-686-1915 Option 2 or by the Submit a Request process: https://support.ecompliance.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
- Customer Success Support, by request – Booking time with a Customer Success Manager (CSM) is available to customers. Please reach out to the individual who sent your welcome email. The intention of meeting with your CSM is to ask questions about change management, adoption strategies, rollout, workflow, etc.
Patience (Remember Version 1, Not Done)
We can understand the excitement of getting Field iD rolled out and seeing the impact right away, but this will take time, so it is important to set realistic expectations for yourself.
Set smaller goals/milestones that you can track along the way to your end goal. You will have a high-level/long-term goal that you want to accomplish with Field iD and that can take time.
For example, you may have a goal to increase asset inspections by 20%. To achieve this goal, a key priority will be to ensure employees are participating in using Field iD to submit the asset inspections and are bought into it.
Conclusion & Next Steps
Use this pre-launch to-do list to keep on track during and post-onboarding:
- Review our Change Management toolkit and create a plan
- Design a communication piece about Field iD to send to employees
- Decide where and what you want to roll out first
- Determine your initial group of testers
- Create and execute internal training for your testers
- Decide on a group of power users who can train new users
- Create a feedback loop to action incoming suggestions
- Reward and recognize those who are participating and utilizing Field iD as required
This concludes your Field iD Self-Guided Onboarding. Taking all the knowledge and skills you have learned we wish you the best of luck as you begin your journey of Field iD adoption to improve your Health and Safety!
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