The Event Form is the checklist that will be followed when performing the event. The Event Form consists of sections containing individual criteria which will be graded. Observations are specific recommendations or deficiencies recorded against criteria. To navigate to the Event Form tab, head to Setup > Assets & Events > Event Types > [Event type name] > Event Form (Tab)
When you first come into the Event Form builder you will be asked to put in a section name. The section is usually a heading that will contain a group of similar checklist items.
Examples of Sections may be Drivers Cab, General Appearance, Fire Safety or Front Office Areas. Simply type the name of our first section and click Add (or hit Enter). You will now be moved into the second column which is the Criteria.
Criteria are the specific checklist items that you would like to record information about.
Examples or criteria maybe "Do emergency exits have a lighted sign?", "Broken wires or strands?", "Ladders in good condition". Type the name of your first criteria in the box. You will then select the Data Type from the drop-down (see below for an explanation of Data Types).
Once you select the Data Type click Add (or hit Enter)
Criteria Data Types
Each criterion can have a different type of control to record your findings.
One-Click Button - our most popular control which will allow you to visual cycle through various states by clicking the icon. To see how to customize One-Click Buttons go to Button Groups
Text Field - this will provide a simple input box to type in a free form value
Select Box - a predefined list of options to select from
Combo Box - a predefined list of options that can be overridden with a custom value
Unit of Measure - standardizes all measurements recorded in your account
Signature - a control to capture signatures
Date Field - record the date and optionally time using a calendar
Numeric data types - allows the user to specify a value in a specific field that requires a number. When selecting numeric data, you may specify the amount of decimal places that are required. This is helpful for events that require temperature entries or PSI’s.
To create a numeric data type to be added to an event go to Setup > Assets & Events > Event Types > Select an existing event > Edit > Event Form Tab
You may create a new section or edit an existing one, once a criteria has been selected, you may enter the name of the criteria, and then select Number Field.Once this has been added, you may enter the decimal places that are required.
Criteria Settings
Provides the ability to change the settings for the selected criteria data types. Once a data type is selected, the third column will display the options available.
Criteria Instructions
Criteria Instructions will appear as a question mark icon on the event form, next to the inspection criteria on all devices. Criteria Instructions are for the inspection only and do not appear on reports or searches.
Basic editing features are available for the text to be displayed next to each criterion. You may also upload a picture to be displayed next to the instructions by clicking on the image icon (Next to Font Format).
By default, each criteria that is entered will have two free form text area's - one for recommendation and one for deficiency to enter in more information.
You do have the option of entering Pre-Configured values that the user performing the event will be able to select from. To setup Pre-Configured Observations enter the text in the entry box and click Add.
Linking Asset Types
After you have created and saved your Event Type you will then have the option of linking it with existing Asset Types. To do this click on the Asset Type Associations tab. The idea is that you can use the same Event Type across multiple Asset Types. For example, a Repair may be associated with every Asset Type in your account whereas a Facility Audit will only be associated with the Facility asset type.
Simply select the appropriate Asset Types and click Save.
Configurable Options
Event Status
Event Status is a global field that can be set when you Complete or Close an event. This is a configurable list that is meant to display the most current status of your event. To configure your event status list go to Setup > Assets & Events > Event Statuses.
Field iD comes with some default statues that you can remove or add to. A few are Could Not Inspect, Destroyed and Not In Use. To remove an existing event status click on the Archive link. To add a new event status click on the Add tab. These options are shown in the event status drop-down when performing an event.
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