Employees can schedule immediate or recurring delivery of dashboards to anyone in your organization.
- Make sure the dashboard is not in edit mode. Click on three-dot menu in the upper right of the dashboard and choose Schedule delivery.
- Once you click Schedule delivery, either an existing schedules window appears or a schedule and send window appears, depending on whether or not you have already created existing schedules on the dashboard
- Existing schedules window: If you have already created schedules for this dashboard, an existing schedules window appears that shows the schedules you have set along with some information about each one, such as destination and format. Deliveries using the Send now recurrence and schedules made by other people do not appear in this window.
- Click Send now to send an immediate delivery of existing scheduled content without disrupting the scheduled cadence.
- Click the three-dot menu to edit, duplicate, or delete a schedule.
- Click Done to exit the window.
- Click New to open the schedule and send window and create a new schedule or immediately send a new delivery.
- Schedule and send window: If you click New from the existing schedules window, or, if you do not have any pre-existing schedules for the dashboard, a schedule and send window opens. This window allows you to customize recurrence, destination, format, filters, and more:
- The Settings tab in this window allows you to customize your delivery’s recurrence, destination, format, and more.
- Note: Reports scheduled to be sent out on 31st on monthly basis gets delivered only for the months that have 31 days. For sending out reports at the end of each month, it is recommended to set up the schedule either for 28th of the month or the 1st of next month.
- The top of this window shows the name automatically given to the delivery. The name defaults to the dashboard’s name. To edit the delivery’s name, click the name (indicated by the dotted underscore), and make your edits.
- The Filters tab in this window shows any filters applied to the dashboard as well as their values. In this tab, you can edit the values for any existing filters applied to the dashboard and the new values will be applied to the delivery. The dashboard itself will not be affected.
- You cannot add filters to your schedule in the Filters tab, only view and edit the values for existing dashboard filters.
Refer this page to understand how changing Filter values effect dashboard deliveries: https://ecompliance.zendesk.com/knowledge/articles/new/en-us?brand_id=112354
- In the Advanced Options tab you can include a custom message for your email delivery
- Expand tables to show all rows: This option is available only for PDF formats of dashboard deliveries. Select the Expand tables to show all rows box to display all rows of any table visualizations in the dashboard — rather than just those rows that display in the dashboard tile thumbnails.
- Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column: This option is available only for the PDF and PNG visualization formats of dashboard deliveries. Select the Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column box to format your PDF or your PNG visualization in a single column layout. This layout displays dashboard tiles in a single vertical column. Leave the box unchecked to show the tiles as they are arranged in the dashboard.
- Paper Size: This option is available only for PDF formats of dashboard deliveries.
- Delivery time zone: If you want to specify a different time zone, select the time zone from the drop-down menu. The time zone you select does not affect the data in your Look or dashboard, just the timing of the delivery.
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