Welcome to Lesson 10 of the self-guided onboarding program!
If you do not see this module or features discussed in this article in your eCompliance instance and are interested in adding them, please contact your Customer Success Manager or shared email:csoffice@ecoonline.com
In Lesson 7, we discussed how to build and edit your forms in eCompliance, now we'll focus on the form workflow from submission, to review, to sign-off.
Just like in the form building lesson, we will refer to the Inspections Module, but know that this applies to both the Incident/Hazard and Meetings modules as well.
Lesson 10 - Form Submission/Sign-Off Video
Watch the below videos on the eCompliance form submission/sign-off process. Detailed instructions follow the videos.
Contributor - Form Submission
Manager - Form Sign-Off
Learning Objective:
By the end of this lesson you'll learn how to:
- Start and submit a form on the web
- See who is notified when a form is submitted
- Sign-off and lock a form
Start New Inspection
Go to the Inspections Module and click on Start New Inspection. This will display a dropdown of all the inspection forms available to you.
Important: This list will be impacted by whether a form is published and/or if you have made a form only viewable at a specific set of sites.
Click on the name of the form you want to open, then select the site at which the form is located.
The list of sites will be dependant on your profile site access, in the case of an employee that only has access to one site, it will skip this step as they only have one site to submit to.
At the top of the form will be the header field, these are built into every single form where it will automatically capture the date and prepared by fields and allow you to fill out info such as the location.
The form's questions will be organized into the sections you created. The images below display examples of some of the question types available, such as Short Notes, Number, Pass/Fail/NA, Signatures.
Tip: For details on how form logic through Smart Forms works when filling out a form - click here.
Notes, Attachments, Action Items
Each question will give you the opportunity to add additional context to the initial response:
- Notes will allow you to type in more info to elaborate or explain your response in the open white space.
- The camera icon will give you the option to attach a picture or a document.
- Create Action Item will allow you to set in motion a fix to rectify the deficiency.
Example: An employee responds to a question indicating it was a fail - they can explain what specifically caused this question to fail in the Notes section, they could then attach pictures of the issue to provide a visual and finally create a corrective action to have the deficiency addressed.
Reminder: Notes, Attachments, and Action Items are not available for the following question types: Date, Date and Time, Days Elapsed, Label, and Signature.
Important: The camera icon on the web allows you to attach documents in addition to pictures, unlike when you are submitting a form on the mobile app.
Tip: The signature question type will always have an Add button allowing you to add additional signatures needed. Great for forms that need multiple signatures from inspectors or attendees.
The Submit button gives the option to Save Draft if you need to come back later. Select Submit For Sign-Off for review and sign-off by your manager.
Form Notifications
These are the determinants that make someone the recipient of a notification when a form is submitted, go back to Lesson 3 - Employees Module:
- Your permission group is Admin or Manager or a Custom Permission with the "SignOff Inspections/Incidents/Meetings"
- Your site access is on the site where the form is submitted to
- Form template modifications through Custom Sign-off or Additional Users to Notify
Important: Site access cascades down in the site tree, notifications do not. You need to be an Admin or Manager of the specific site that the form was submitted to for the notification to be sent to you.
Example: In the first image below we can see the site tree followed by the profile of Edward eCompliance, an Admin at the Parent site in this site tree _CS WEBINAR DEMO. If an employee were to submit a form to _CS WEBINAR DEMO, Edward would receive a notification as they are both an Admin Permission Group and they are an Admin at _CS WEBINAR DEMO.
If a form were to be submitted to the subsite Alcumus, Edward would not receive the notification as they are not an Admin at the subsite Alcumus. The individual who is a Manager or Admin at Alcumus would be the recipient of the form notification.
Upon submitting the form for sign-off the Manager(s) or Admin(s) at the site the form was submitted to will be notified through email. The email will come from noreply@ecompliance.com and look similar to the below image.
Manager Sign-Off
In eCompliance there is a review step for each form to be peer-reviewed prior to sign-off. A submitted Inspection form will show up on the main Inspections Module under what we call Open Inspections.
An Admin or Manager can review and sign-off on a form in a few ways.
- The email notification will contain a hyperlink that when clicked, will bring open the form to review and sign-off, which in eCompliance means clicking on the Options button at the bottom of the form and then Sign Off.
- Go to the Inspections Module where all of the open forms are displayed, find the form, and click on the Unique ID under the Edit/View column. The steps for reviewing and signing off is the same as the above.
- On the Inspections Module there is a Pending Sign Off button under the Status column, clicking this will allow you to sign off on the form without the need to open the form.
Tip: You can sign-off on multiple forms at once by clicking on the box in the left-most column for each form.
A form that is signed-off will move from the Open Inspections tab to the Locked Inspections tab, stored for you to reference back to in the future.
Important: Admin permission is the only permission group that can unlock a locked form, bringing it back to a Pending Sign Off status and making the form editable once again. Go into the form and click on Unlock, after clicking Options.
Charts and Reports
The Inspections Module provides you with a couple of ways to analyze your data. As you have seen in other lessons there are several charts at the top of the main Inspections Module which provides some high-level info on your inspection forms.
Charts and Reports allow you to dig deeper on form responses.
Going to Charts and Reports will display all of your form templates with the current number of submissions.
Reports are pulled by templates, you select a template, determine the display method of either Chart Report (display on eCompliance) or Excel Report, and then the time frame of the data you want to see.
The report will display the answers across all forms, of the template chosen, submitted within the time period.
Tip: The Excel Report option will give you more opportunity to analyze the data as once it is exported into Excel you can sort, filter, and add formulas.
This wraps up lesson 10 - Form Submission/Sign-Off walking through the form submission, notification, and sign-off process on the web.
Top 3 Takeaways from this lesson:
- The ability to add additional notes, attach pictures, and assign corrective actions is incorporated into each question type
- The signature question type is the one question that you can add more of on the fly
- To receive a form notification you need to both be an Admin or Manager and you have to be an Admin or Manager at the site you wish to receive form notifications for
Homework: Before proceeding to the next lesson please complete the following:
- Go through the entire form workflow from submitting the form to signing it off to familiarize yourself with the process
- Based on the form submission workflow, decide on which employees should be Managers at which sites to ensure the right employees are notified and whether you should be an Admin at all of the sites to ensure you receive all form submission notifications
- Remember, all managers will get notifications and the ability to sign-off forms unless custom sign-off is created
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