Welcome to Lesson 7 of the self-guided onboarding program!
If you do not see this module or features discussed in this article in your eCompliance instance and are interested in adding them, please contact your Customer Success Manager or shared email:csoffice@ecoonline.com
Lesson 7 will teach you how to build your many types of forms in eCompliance using our form builder.
Important: Re-creating your forms should not be your goal here, but rather to see how you can elevate and improve your forms with eCompliance. In other words, how can they be made easier for your frontline employees whilst still capturing the most complete data set for reporting.
Lesson 7 - Form Building Video
Watch the below videos on the eCompliance form building process. Detailed instructions follow the videos.
Non-Scored Form:
Scored Form:
Learning Objective:
By the end of this lesson, you will learn how to:
- Create a form template with sections and questions
- Utilize the different question types for responses
- Create copies of forms and pull forms in from our template library
- Modify your forms
- Setup forms to capture TRIF/TRIR
- Innovate your forms, going beyond digitization
Forms are categorized into three different modules on the web browser; Inspections, Incident/Hazard, and Meetings to help organize the most common types of health and safety forms.
The three forms modules function in the same way with the differences being the wording used (ex. Start New Inspection vs Start New Incident).
Form building will be from the perspective of the Inspections Module, but know that this applies to Incident/Hazard and Meetings as well.
Create New Inspection Template
On the Inspections Module click on the Inspection Templates button on the right-hand side to bring you to your inspection template view.
Click on Create New Inspection Template to trigger the below, presenting the option to create a scored or non-scored form.
Scored forms allow you to assign weights to answers and set up an overall percentage determining if the form is a Pass or Fail. Scored forms can add complexity if needed, however, the focus of this lesson will be on building a Non-scored form.
Tip: Jump back to the top of the lesson for a video of building a Scored form
Click the No button to proceed to the form builder.
The Title is the only required field in the header area as shown above. This is the name of the form. Subtitle can be used as a short description of the form.
By default, any form will be accessible to your entire site tree, but by using the + Select Sites button you can make a form visible to specific sites.
You will learn more about form notifications in Lesson 10 - Form Submission & Sign-Off, however when building out a form template you have the option to toggle off notifications when this form is submitted.
This feature is used to reduce the noise of email notifications so that the notifications received from your account are more impactful.
The + Add Custom Section button will create a Section.
Sections are used to organize similar questions together. There is no limit on the number of sections you can have in a form.
Click the + Add Question button within a section to create a question, there is no limit to the number of questions you can create.
Both the Section and Question will have blank fields where you can enter the name/question/field. As you begin to build your form it will start to look like the below.
Question Type
Each question will be accompanied by a dropdown called Type, allowing you to determine how an employee responds to that question.
The answer type choices are defined below:
- Pass/Fail/NA - Simple, one-click button where the employee can either choose Pass, Fail, or Not Applicable
- Multi-Select - Check all that apply, where an employee can select more than one answer.
- Single Select - Select one answer from a list of created answers
- Long Notes - Free text field where the employee can type in their answer (intended for paragraphs) Character Capacity 10,000
- Short Notes - Free text field where the employee can type in their answer with a smaller character capacity (intended for one sentence answers) Character Capacity 2000
- Date - Allows you to select a date from a calendar
- Date and Time - This allows you to select a date from a calendar and a time from a clock
- Label - There is nothing for an employee to answer for this type. It is used to add more content where the info put into the question field is what displays. Great if you want to provide context to the following questions in a section
- Signature - Lookup and attach an employee name as well as provide a field for the employee to sign their name
- Number - This allows only number characters to be entered
- Days Elapsed - Enter a time frame to capture the total number of days from one date to another (This question type is useful for Incident-related forms where you want to report on Modified Duty or Lost Time)
- Employee Lookup - Lookup and attach employees to the form, great for capturing attendance or teams of inspectors
- Hazard Assessment - Attach published hazard assessments from the Hazard Assessment module
- Company Lookup - Lookup and attach companies (from the Companies module) to the form, great for capturing subcontractors that were involved in the work
Tip: The Notes, Attachments, & Create Action Item features that you will learn more about in Lesson 10 - Form Submission & Sign-Off is not available for the following question types: Date, Date and Time, Days Elapsed, Label, and Signature.
Form Modifications
You can drag and drop questions within a section or even to another section by clicking on the question.
You can also shift entire sections by clicking on the blue up and down arrows in each section.
Clicking on the button next to a question or section will allow you to delete it.
A confirmation prompt will always appear after removing a question or section. Historical data from submitted forms associated with the deleted items will still be reportable in Safety Intelligence after it is removed.
There is a Mandatory Question option that you can toggle on.
A mandatory question can not be left blank when a form is being submitted and will not allow the form to be submitted without an answer.
Once you're finished creating the form or want to save the work you have done so far, hit the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Tip: Form logic is also available when creating your forms, allowing you to create follow-up questions or mandatory actions based on the response given - click here to find out more.
You can Delete a Question by clicking on the
Inspection Templates
Any inspection form you create will be saved under templates and as you start to continue to create more forms, the list of forms will appear as shown below.
From this page you can;
- Edit/View to make additional updates to the template
- Create a Copy of a form that will duplicate the form into your templates
- Access the Sites button from this screen if you intend to have forms only accessible to certain sites
- In the Published column, all templates start off as not published, giving you the option to publish the form when it is ready. Publishing a form makes it accessible to employees to complete.
Inspection Library
The Inspection Library has a list of already built inspection forms (keep in mind that the Incident/Hazard and Meetings modules have their own list of pre-built forms).
Click View and see the content of the form (Sections, Questions, and Question Types).
Clicking on Add to this Organization will add a copy of the form to your templates which you can rename and edit to better fit your needs and saving you time in building out your forms.
Tip: Use the Copy feature and Template Library to save you time by editing an existing form versus starting from scratch/a blank form.
Form Headers
Each form module has a “form module” Header Fields button that allows you to create headers that will be built into every existing template & template yet to be created.
To create a header, click on the Header Fields button.
Click + Add Field to create a header field (to a maximum of 10).
You can make the following configurations to the header:
- Name – Enter the name of the field
- Type – Determine the response type from a dropdown list
- Short Notes
- Long Notes
- Date
- Employee Lookup
- Asset Lookup
- Number
- Days Elapsed
- Multi Select
- Single Select
- Pass/Fail/N/A
- Company Lookup
- Mandatory Question – Toggle on to make this a mandatory field to complete
- Display on listing view – Toggle on to have this field display as a column on the main form module page
If you want the created header fields to display in email notifications, toggle on “Include all header fields in email notifications”
Click on Save to save any changes made.
Reminder: Headers apply to all form templates within a form module, it is an all-or-nothing feature.
Once a header is created, it will appear under the default header fields when filling out a form.
As mentioned at the beginning, all three form modules function similarly, however, there are features specific to the Incident/Hazard module.
The system allows you to calculate TRIF/TRIR by using the employee hours feature discussed in lesson 1 and the Standard Section in the form builder (calculating this requires the Safety Intelligence module).
Standard Section
In the form builder, you will notice a button beside the Add Custom Section called Add Standard Section.
Clicking on that button will display a drop-down with 4 options after selecting the language.
The options come in pairs, if you are in the US, select the two that end with OSHA, while the other two are for Canada.
Tip: The difference between the pairs is based on the US requiring more questions.
Unlike the custom section where you build your questions, the questions & question types are already laid out – the reason for this being that the calculations in the reports are looking for these specific questions.
Tip: You cannot edit the sections, incorporate the two standard sections into your incident form allowing you to ask other questions that you care about from an incident metric perspective.
OSHA 300 & 300A
On the Incident/Hazard module there is a button called Generate OSHA Forms, if you followed the steps to set up the Agencies Applicable field covered in lesson 2.
Clicking on that button will bring up a screen to select:
- Form Type – OSHA 300 or OSHA 300A
- Time Period – Start Date & End Date
- Export Format – Excel or PDF
Making these selections and clicking Generate will create an export of the form type with information from the Standard Sections you had set up.
Reminder: The forms will generate the information from the Standard Section fields automatically, but there will be fields on the generated form that you will need to fill out after the fact.
Form Innovation
We mentioned at the beginning of this lesson, this is an opportunity to improve your forms. We encourage you to make use of the Pass/Fail/NA and Multi/Single Select question types over Short/Long Notes as it will make participation easier as well as enhance your reporting capabilities.
In Lesson 10, we'll walk through the form submission process. The images below will assist in the form creation process.
The above image is the header of a form where info such as Prepared By and Location are built into every form template, questions you could potentially leave out of your forms.
The above image is an example of the question type Pass/Fail/NA in a form. Each question has a field for adding additional notes, attaching a picture/document, or assigning a corrective action (to be covered in the next lesson). These fields are built into each question type.
This wraps up Lesson 7 on Form Building, next up are action items which are our corrective action workflow.
Top 3 key takeaways from this lesson are:
- The select site feature allows you to make forms available to only specific sites in your site tree
- A form that is not currently published means that it is not available to employees to fill out
- When appropriate, use question types such as Pass/Fail/NA or Single & Multi-Select to make employee errors less likely.
Homework: Before proceeding to the next lesson start to build or add from our library your "Launch" forms, the handful of most frequently used forms that you plan to roll out first to your employees.
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