Welcome to Lesson 5 of the self-guided onboarding program!
If you do not see this module or features discussed in this article in your eCompliance instance and are interested in adding them, please contact your Customer Success Manager or shared email:csoffice@ecoonline.com
Lesson 5 - Documents Module Video
Watch the overview video on the eCompliance documents module. Detailed instructions follow the video.
Learning Objective:
By the end of this lesson, you will learn how to:
- Create document tags for searching and organizing your documents
- Upload documents
- Manage document distribution
- Edit document criteria and upload new document versions
- View and read built-in charts and reports
About the Documents Module
The Documents Module is where you can upload and store documents for distribution to your employees for reading and acknowledging. Examples of documents are:
- Health and Safety policies
- SDS Sheets
- Equipment manuals
Documents in eCompliance can be uploaded at different locations within the site tree. This allows Administrators to control and organize the documents that are relevant to specific employee groups and sites.
Keep in mind:
- An employee's site membership is what gives them access to view the document.
- Documents applicable to all employees within the organization must be uploaded at the top parent site. i.e. if you want your organization's H&S policy available to all employees in your organization, it would need to be uploaded at your top site.
Important: Documents are not fillable forms such as inspection checklists or incident investigations. Forms will be covered in another lesson.
To begin, log in to eCompliance and select Documents from the left-hand side menu.
The Documents module page opens to the Document Listing page shown below.
Manage Tags
The first step in preparing your documents is to create tags. Tags are like labels that can be created and assigned to documents in eCompliance. Tags are a convenient, searchable, way to organize documents and easily search for documents within the system.
Think about how you currently store your documents and how they are organized and labeled. What tags or labels would make searching for those documents easier to find and locate? Here are a few examples:
Tag 1: HR Policies and Procedures
Tag 2: Finance
Tag 3: QMS logs
Tag 4: Safety Certificates
Tag 5: Ergonomics
Tip: Create your list of tags before uploading your documents.
To create a tag, click on the Manage Tags button which will bring you to your library of tags.
Next, click the Create Tag button to create your first tag.
There is no right or wrong way to utilize tags. Tag names can be as short and generic as Policies or as detailed as Section 1 H&S Policies, Section 5 Violence in the Workplace.
Once you have created your tags, the list of tag names will appear in the Manage Tags screen. The tags can now be assigned to a document in the next step.
Upload New Document
Before uploading a document into eCompliance, determine who in your organization must have access to it. To ensure the document is accessible to the appropriate employees, you must be in the selected site within the site tree.
Important: Always check your site level before completing any actions such as uploading a document.
Once you are on the appropriate site and on the Documents Listing page, click on Upload New Document to upload your document as well as modify criteria that will impact the document distribution.
Accepted File Formats: Specific file formats are shown at the top of the page and the individual file size limit is 10 MB. Video files are not allowed. If your document is larger than 10MB split the file into 2 documents as Part 1 and Part 2. The character capacity for the document name is 100.
Click Upload From Computer to select and attach the document, then select the tag or tags associated with the document. Recall from above, tags are used to organize your documents and are searchable to make finding specific documents easy.
Tip: You can upload more than one document at a time by continuing to click on the Upload From Computer button. The 10MB limit is per file.
Tip: An alternative to uploading the document is instead entering the URL of a document stored in a system such as Box or SharePoint or simply entering a website. Copy & paste the URL, enter the name you want to be displayed & ensure that you have made the document accessible if it is stored on Box or SharePoint.
Important: The file name can't contain any of the following special characters @ $ % & \ / : * ? " ' < > | ~ ` # ^ + = { } [ ] ; ! “
Document Distribution
There are 4 ways to impact document distribution once a document is uploaded.
- Make Document Public - By toggling this to ON, the document will be available to all employees within the entire site tree. The document will be in a public library for download to read. Leaving the toggle to OFF will make the document unavailable to employees. A document stored this way is typically for maintaining the document for audit purposes.
- Document Distribution - Selecting At this site means that this document will only be viewable at the current site you are uploading it to. Whereas At this site and below will make the document viewable to the current site and any sub-sites under the current site you are uploading the document to.
- Specific Employees - Selecting specific employees will allow you to further have the document visible to a select employee or group of employees when used in combination with the Read acknowledgment feature.
- Read acknowledgment - This feature will send an email notification to the employees assigned the document. The notification will instruct the employee to read and acknowledge the document, this will also appear in the employee's My Stuff (covered in Lesson 13) view until they have completed the task. The options for Read Acknowledgment are:
- Nobody: You are not assigning this document for acknowledgment
- Everybody: You are assigning this document for acknowledgment to all employees at this site
- Specific job profiles - This will display your list of job profiles and allow you to assign this reading to only selected employees with matching profiles.
Reminder: The Everybody and Specific job profiles options for read acknowledgment are impacted if you chose Specific Employees - This will allow you to setup the acknowledgment feature for select employees when Everybody is toggled or select employees within a job profile in the case of the Specific job profiles being toggled on.
After making your selection you click Save to upload your document.
Tip: Read Acknowledgement will give you the option to send Next Business Day or Immediately. If your document requires an email notification reminder choose Immediately as Next Business Day does not generate an email.
Edit Document Criteria/Upload New Version
On the Document Listing page, on the right-hand side of a listed document, you will find a column titled Manage with two icons; a gear icon and an upward arrow.
The gear allows you to edit the document criteria such as the name displayed, tags, and read acknowledgment.
The upward arrow allows you to upload a new version of a document that overrides the current version while retaining the document info and allowing you to enter revision comments. The revision comments will display for the reader when the new version is assigned. The most obvious use-case for this feature would be for an annual version of your health and safety policy.
Document Charts
Similar to the built-in charts on training data, there are high-level charts for document data. Several charts are available:
- Document Age - this displays the number of documents modified within 1 year and the number of documents that are 1 - 2 years of age since last modified.
- User Acknowledgment - Displays users with unread documents and fulfilled acknowledgments
- Unread Status - Displays read acknowledgments pending
Acknowledgment Report
The Acknowledgement Report is accessed on the Documents Listing page at the top of the screen. This report allows you to track documents you have selected to be read and acknowledged by the employee in the Document Distribution settings (see above).
The Acknowledgement Report displays employees and the documents they have read (in green) and ones still outstanding (in red).
The documents are represented by a number, and by clicking on the number the specific documents will display.
That wraps up Lesson 5 on the Documents Module. The next lesson is on the Program Module.
Top 3 key takeaways from this lesson are:
- The site where a document is uploaded will dictate the availability of that document
- Tags are a convenient way to organize your documents
- You can upload multiple documents at once as the max file size is per file
- Use the upload new version feature when you are uploading an updated version of a document already in eCompliance
Homework: Before starting the next lesson create at least 5 Tags to organize your documents and upload at least one document, a good start would be your Health and Safety policy!
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