Welcome to Lesson 2 of the self-guided onboarding program!
If you do not see this module or features discussed in this article in your eCompliance instance and are interested in adding them, please contact your Customer Success Manager or shared email:csoffice@ecoonline.com
In the next few lessons, we'll dig into the core modules on the left-hand side menu of eCompliance. Starting with the Home Module which you are already familiar with from Lesson 1 - Basic Account Setup.
Lesson 2 - Site Tree Overview Video
Watch the below video for an overview of the Site tree. Detailed instructions follow the video.
Learning Objective:
By the end of this lesson, you will learn how to:
- Create, modify, and manage your organization's Site Tree
- Setup the default language per site
- Activate OSHA features
About the Home Module
The Home Module is your center of operations. On the Home Module you will find:
- Site Operations
- Organization Operations
- Program Operations
Site Operations
What is a Site?
In eCompliance, you organize your account by creating sites. A "Site" can be a geographic location or a department or a folder to store archived records. The goal is to create a site tree that best matches your organizational structure and how you will manage your health and safety activities.
Sites in eCompliance work like a hierarchy of folders. In your eCompliance system, your current site is located at the top of the screen. Click on the pin drop symbol to open the site tree.
Parent Sites and Sub-Sites
A parent site is a site located at the top of a hierarchy. A sub-site is a site that is created a level below another site.
Important: Users with access to a site, will have visibility and access to all sites below.
Create a New Site
To create a site, go to the Create a New Site button on the right-hand side of the home page. Here you will enter the name of the site on the following screen, all of the other fields are not necessary.
To create a subsite under the site you have already created, open the site tree and select the site that you want to create a new subsite under, then follow the previously explained process on how to create a new site.
Tip: There is no ideal site size when thinking about the number of sites or sub-sites to create. You may have a site tree that is relatively flat or several levels deep. There is no ideal number however, too many or too few will have implications on email notifications or reporting which will be covered in future lessons.
Important: Employees added to eCompliance must be assigned to a site created in the system. Consider where your employees are located and the documents and forms they will need access to. Document your employee roles and map out the employee data they should have access to in the system.
Delete a Site
To delete a site, go to the site above the site you are trying to delete, if there is a subsite under the site you are trying to delete, you will have to delete that site first before proceeding. Click on the Delete a Site button located to the right of the site name (see below).
Next, enter the name of the site you are deleting and enter your eCompliance password as confirmation to proceed with the deletion.
Important! When you delete a site you remove everything related to that site. Be sure this is the action you want to take.
Best Practice Tip: Create a site for storing inactive sites. Ex. If you create a site tree folder for jobs or projects that have an end life, do not delete the site but move it to an "Archive" or "Close Project" site folder. This will ensure you do not accidentally delete data you may need for audit purposes while also keeping old sites from view.
To do this, please follow these directions:
1. Create a new site in your site tree:
Using your Admin credentials
- On the eCompliance Home Page, select Create a New Site
- Call your New site Archived Projects or Completed Projects
- Click “Create” to add Archived Projects to your existing site tree – this will act as folder for archives sites.
2. Put the existing site into the new Archived Projects/Completed Projects folder:
- Using your Admin credentials, log in to your eCompliance home page Navigate to the site you wish to archive using the pin drop icon
- From the site you want to archive, click “Choose New Parent Site” button (under Site Operations)
- Select Archive Projects
- Site will be relocated to this folder
- Repeat steps with any/all projects that need to be archived.
Choosing a New Parent Site
To move a subsite in your site tree structure, you must first change the Current Site location to the site for moving.
Example: Current site is Illinois under the Chicago site and parent site Acme Corp.
Using the menu to the right click on Choose New Parent Site.
Select the site that will now become the new parent site.
Example: Select NYC as the site to move to Illinois.
A preview of the site change is displayed prior to clicking OK.
Click OK to apply the site move changes. The site move is now visible in the site tree.
Reorder Subsites
To reorder a site go to Reorder Subsites on the menu.
Choose New Parent Site moves sites between levels of your site tree which impacts the information employees have access to. Reorder Subsites changes the view of where the sites display on your site tree. This feature helps to keep your sites organized at each level, such as in alphabetical order or newest projects to oldest projects.
Default Language
The default language for your account is English, however if you have a branch of sites that prefer French or Spanish you can set the language for those sites either when first creating the site or editing it by using the Modify Site Information button while on the site that you want to edit.
For further information on the languages on offer & how to make the change please follow the link here.
Tip: Once you have made a change to the Default Language, you will be prompted if you want the language change to be for the Current Site Only or to Propagate down to all the subsites as well.
Whether you are located in the US or have sites in your site tree that are located there, you can turn on the functionality to generate the OSHA 300 & 300A forms. The forms themselves will be covered further in Lesson 7 - Form Building.
When creating a site or editing one using the same workflow as described under Default Language, you will see a field under Modify Site Information called Agencies Applicable. The dropdown will give you the option to select Not Applicable or OSHA, if you want the feature described above to be on, select OSHA.
Tip: Once you have made a change to the Agencies Applicable, you will be prompted if you want the Applicable Agency change to be for the Current Site Only or to Propagate down to all the subsites as well.
This wraps up Lesson 2 - Home Module Site Operations where we walked through the Site Tree and how to edit and add to the site tree to better align with your company structure.
Top 3 Takeaways from this lesson:
- Think of the site tree as a filter that will allow you to see only the information you want at a particular site.
- You can build out the site tree as many levels as you need but be mindful of having too few or too many.
- Create an archive site to move sites no longer in use instead of deleting them.
Homework: Before beginning the next lesson decide on your site tree structure and create the sites in your eCompliance instance. Watch the video at the top for a review of this Lesson.
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