Welcome to your eCompliance Self-Guided Onboarding Program!
If you do not see this module or features discussed in this article in your eCompliance instance and are interested in adding them, please contact your Customer Success Manager or shared email:csoffice@ecoonline.com
Lesson Objective
By the end of this lesson you will know how to:
Below is an example of the email invitation that will arrive in your inbox to create your account and login. This is usually sent after your kick-off call.
Lesson 1 - Basic Account Setup Video
Watch the below video on the eCompliance Basic Account Setup. Detailed instructions follow the video.
How to Edit the Home Page
When you first login the default Home Page appears as below. The right-hand side menu lists the actions available.
By default, the Home Page will have the eCompliance logo as well as a link to our library of eCompliance training videos and contact information to our Technical Support team. The logo is changed by clicking on "Change Logo"
Click on the Edit Home Page button on the right-hand side menu to can change the information that is displayed.
We recommend keeping the eCompliance links, however, you are free to personalize the information displayed and make use of pictures, hyperlinks, and writing functions (font styles, font sizes, Bold, Italicize).
- Company Health and Safety policy
- Link to your intranet
More HTML customization is available from the "Edit Home Page" function - clicking on "Source" in the above image will allow you to customize your homepage further with reports or other information you wish to embed, using HTML code.
Tip: Take a photo of your Health & Safety policy and upload it as an image. This will safeguard someone accidentally editing the documentation using the system. Use Firefox web browser for copying and pasting a picture as Google Chrome won't allow you to paste an image into the Home Page.
How to Change the Logo
Click on the Change Logo button located under Organization Operations section on the right-hand side menu.
Logo Specifications:
- Recommended dimensions: 210px by 50px Supported formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
- Maximum size: 1.5mb
The logo will appear on:
- Home page - top-left hand side
- PDF reports and mobile app
Tip: You can have Different logos throughout the system if specific branches have their own logo, click on the link to find out how to use this feature.
Audit Trail
The audit trail, found on the Home Module, provides a history of changes made in the system, as an Admin of the account you will be able to see changes made by clicking on the Audit Trail button.
The audit trail logs will display the activity done, a timestamp of when it was completed, where the change was made in the system & by which user.
Tip: If there are changes in your account that you don’t recognize, utilize this feature to verify the user that made those updates.
Profile Settings
Clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner will open a drop-down menu to update your profile settings.
Click on the Profile option to make changes to your personal information, change your password, or change your preferred language in the account.
Click on Email settings to make changes to your personal notification frequency from the different modules.
Assign a Program to the Site
For Canadian jurisdictions: To assign a COR program into eCompliance, go to the Home Module>Program Operations>Assign a Program to this Site.
The COR programs available are listed. Select a program to add to your account (the Program Module will be covered in a later lesson).
Employee Hours
Clicking on the Employee Hours button, found in the Home module, will allow you to upload hours into the system.
You can either enter the hours manually by clicking the Edit button or import your hours by clicking on the Import/Export button to download a template to fill out.
Tip: You can enter hours for previous years by selecting a previous year in the date drop-down.
When inserting hours, you can decide if you would like to capture hours as a total or capture it more granularly at sub-sites.
Tip: Be mindful of double counting hours, if you are going to calculate hours at a subsite, you don’t need to enter the hours in the site above.
Reminder: If you plan to calculate TRIF/TRIR, you must enter your hours in the system.
This concludes Lesson 1 of the self-guided onboarding program, next we will dive into the eCompliance Home Module Site Operations.
Top 3 Takeaways from this lesson:
- The home page can be configured to display relevant & helpful information for your company.
- You have the ability to change your personal notifications from the system.
- To calculate TRIF/TRIR, ensure that you add your employee hours.
Homework: Before beginning the next lesson please upload your company logo and add your COR/ISO program.
Lesson 2 - Home Module: Site Operations
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